Monday, December 29, 2008

Happy New Year

Wow what a year this has been, but I have to say that I am very blessed indeed! If not for all the love that I have in my life from family and friends I would not be here writing to you all.

After having been diagnosed last December with a faulty aortic valve and an aortic root aneurysm February's open heart surgery went by in a blink of an eye. It's mid boggling to think of all the out pouring of love from so many friends to help me heal back to living a active life.

After a weeks stay at the hospital I celebrated being alive with a birthday gathering on March 4th. I vaguely remember it through the fog of anesthesia and pain medication but I do remember being overwhelmed with love.

Only a few weeks after that we had to put our beloved yellow Labrador, Cody, to sleep. He had a full life but his aging body was giving out and John's baby left for the dog park in the sky. That same month our little angel Athena was diagnosed with malignant melanoma cancer. She had to have one of her toes amputated. We were lucky to have her back at home after losing Cody.

I was lucky enough to have my dear friend David Browning invite me to hawaii to recouperate. It was a blessing to be on a beach and in the ocean surrounded by natures healing powers and Life progressed as I recovered from open heart surgery and got back to work doing massage.

In May I went to Palm springs to stay with, a now former friend, who decided that we couldn't remain friends. It was his choice and I was fine with that. I don't want to be a burden to anyone or be in the way of anyones progress in life. But I was fortunate enough that the Universe was working in it's mysterious ways and my best friend Kent was house sitting that same weekend. We decided to go look at houses. Kent was looking at the possibility of buying in Palm Springs. The housing market was crashing and the prices were amazing.

Where I returned to San Francisco I told John about the housing opportunties and we decided to go down to Palm Springs to look at what our options were. We started bidding on that first outing. And after the second trip the beginning of July we found the house that would prove to be a gathering point this Holiday season and will be for many more celebrations to come.

This summer was a great opening to forge some lasting friendships. I met some wonderful new clients that fast became friends. I have gotten to know Brett Conway, a very talented ballet dancer with Alonzo King's Ballet here in San Francisco. Joe Pacetti from Dallas who is an amazing and generous man with a heart of Gold.

Another opening that has happened this year was sharing the reading of Eckhart Tolle's "A New Earth". This book has made an amazing impact on so many people including John as well as a dear man Ross Hurston and a slew of other friends. If you haven't read this book I recommend it to everyone along with the web class on The classes are a MUST to more fully enhance the books message!

I went to London in July and August with my friend David Browning. He is so generous this man is. I love him dearly and I want everyone to know how special a friend he has been. That trip was amazing. I met a new friend Andy Gawthorpe and had the chance to see my dear friend James Wilcox. A true gentle-man! He is so peaceful to be around. I have to thank Gloria and Richard again for letting David and I stay at their flat while in London.

The end of August was a busy time Mom turned 73 and John's brother mark got marriend in Denver. Lots of amazing times and memories that will last forever.
Once I returned I was off again to New York to the Hamptons but that trip was brought to a quick halt when our "Little Princess" Athena became extremely ill as her cancer began to ravish her little furry body and we had to put her to sleep. It was such a heart wrenching experience to let her go but the episodes that led up to that point were so profound that it was uplifiting as it was difficult. When spirit talks we have to listen and the messages were LOUD AND CLEAR. You can relive this experience by reading the August post in this blog. And I have to once again refer you to read this excerpt from "Conversations with Jerry...." It is truely an amazing read! Email me if you want to read the book and I'll email youa the pdf file.

Over the labor day weekend it was an emotional filled weekend. Having just put Athena down and a new household was being set up in Palm Springs and the sad event that John and I had decided to set in motion that he and I would end our relationship as it was. We tried out best over the past few years to make out relationship mesh as life partners as traditionally described, but we just were not happy with ourselves in that "traditional" sense. We have decided to stay together as roommates and best friends but our "Partners/lover/ boyfriends" has evolved into something that we both are able to live happily with. Many of you may not understand how we can continue to live together and often times sleep in the same bed, but it's not important that you fully understand it. All we ask is that you accept it and be supportive and happy that we still want to play an important part within each others lives. True friendship will endure. And this is what I have with John. I love him and his family and will forever be filled with them in my heart and soul!

John and I were planning a trip to Italy in October but I had to have the 7th and final ankle surgery to repair a broken ankle that happend 7 year prior on my and John's first summer vacation together on Fire Island NY. I had another bone graph and sub-talor fusion on October 10th and It seems to have worked so far. The pain is definitely better but still on the mend. John was home for the operation and I urged him to take the trip to Italy to share with his friends.

My friends Kathy Clayton, Gigi, Mark Haberman, Angie Placado as well as my sister and Joe Pacetti helped take care of me. I had a tough time keeping still but I wasn't about to mess up this last chance to heal from ankle surgery. I did manage to make a trip to Las Vegas with Kent and David Browning to see Madonna in concert and to visit with my friends Steven and Rick from NYC, who are touring with Madonna, and an impromptu reunion with my long time friend Quinton Jenkins from Tuscon. I had a lot of heling on a whole lot of levels this past fall.

The end of first week of December I went to Palm Springs to take a week and had another reunion with so many of my showboy dancer friends and just good friends with lots of water under the bridge. Kevin Smith, Kent Blackford, David Oliphant, Chris Childers, Paul Thorpe, Robby Loose, Brett Conway, and a slough of new friends gathered for a fun filled week of laughter and dancing and prancing and sharing of memories long past. It renergized me and again made me realize how blessed I am and how lucky it was that John and I found the house in Palm Springs to help make more memories!

Okay so now The year is about to close but the new Year looks brighter than ever.

I want to thank all of you for making my life so full and wonderful. I may not always stay in touch but I love the fact that we can pick up where we left off and the love continues to grow.

In the meantime I'm finally getting my "Spiritual Bodybuilding" video finished and hope to have it out on YouTube by late winter. I'll keep you posted.

I thank God for you and I thank the Universal love that binds us all as one. You ARE my family and I love you and with you all the prosperity and happiness that is inherant in all of us!

XOXO Love and Light Always, Jesse

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Everything is Rosey

Hi tlo all of my loving and accepting friends and family,

Sorry for the delay in this post. All turned out well with my the levels of coumadin and my blood levels are withing the necessary range for keeping my blood thinned.

I waited all day to hear back from my doctors office on Friday and when I finally got the "okay" I rushed to pull my things together to take a road trip down to Palm Springs for the weekend. I was getting so stir crazy staying at home in San Francisco and the stairs were 'driving me mad'! It had been a challenge to get Rudy out of the house on a regular basis to have him pee and to keep him comfortable and not having to clean up a piddle puddle in the house.

So I picked up my friend Brett after he got off work and off we went with Rudy in tow to drive down to Palm Spring where the weather has been in the low 90's. Sorry rain soaked and matted feathered friends. But I send lots of sunny, warm, and thoughts to keep you dry.

I'll be home on Tuesday in time to cast my vote for Obama and the many other propositions and measures that will bring about a much need boost in morale and positive change and human stability that we all deserve to continue to evolve into a world of LOVE and inclusiveness and not hate and separation!

A Special thanks for Angie Placado for he help in setting me up for the weekend drive, Brett for taking the time to drive me and Rudy down, and to John for having this special place down in Palm Springs available for the get away for "pick me ups"! And as always to all of you who call, send me food (Don and Jorge!), and those who send me emails and text messages of love, support, encouragement, and concern! You fill me up!

Love and Light, Jesse

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Hello everyone,

Well it's all Hallows' eve and it's raining and gloomy here in SF. Elections are upon us and love is needed to heal the world. Fortunately for me I am constantly surrounded by love, light and positive healing energy from all of my family and friends. And the healing is going great but there are a few glitches.

I went to see my cardiologist on Monday as a follow up to my open heart surgery and as a post op from my ankle surgery. My heart is fine. My ankle is healing rather miraculously fast and I feel great! But, she put a little scare in my when she said that my coumadin levels were not in the range that they need to be for the safe working of my new mechanical valve.

Coumadin is a medication that I have to take to thin my blood. My blood has to be within a certain level to keep the blood flowing freely and smoothly through the new valve. If the blood isn't thin enough there is a risk of getting a clot or of too much pressure pushing against the platstic parts of the valve and could cause the valve to break and, well it would be the end of Jesse and we know him.

My Cardiologist said that I should not have been released from the hospital without my blood levels in the acceptable range. But I was and that the normal protocol is Hospitalization for at least 2 days until the levels are normalized for the valve function.

I don't want to go back into the hospital and I told her so and wanted to know what my options were. She said that uping the dosages of my medication should do the trick along with twice daily under the skin shots. And we'll check the levels again Friday (Tomorrow) and if they are in renge great but if not I will have to be admitted into the hospital to have IV administered medication for 2 days or however long it takes to get my blood thinned.

I'll do whatever my doctors need me to do but I am so tired of being in the hospital and I am so looking forward to getting back to my massage work as well as getting back into the gym and, well just being able to take care of my self!

Again it's been such a challege to get through this ankle operation but adding another level of obstacles of my new heart parts is doubly so. But it's been made much more managible with the help of my loving friends and family.

I am looking forward to getting back on my feet and getting onward through the Holidays and bringing in a new and amazing new year full of positive creations of love, light, and happiness with new and old friends and family.

There are so many friends that have projects brewing all around me which I know will be so successful, and that are being manifested in such a way that helps to nurture and embrace all who come into contact with them with postiveness and light and appreciation for their creations.

One such friend is Tony Cero who has a business called Cake creations in San Jose click on this link to see him in a televised segment with Jan Whal on KRON channel 4. Tony has over the years blessed me and my friends and family with delicious baked hugs that warm the soul. "My Big Fat Fabulous Wedding" part 5

Another great amazing soul is my friend Gigi. I work with he occassionally with Greg Angelo's Velocity Circus. She's a face and body paint artist. She won 1st prize last year at the international face and body painting competition in Amsterdam. Here is her website...

Gigi is always a breath of fresh air and always lifts my spirits with her loving energy. She is an exraordiary woman and I hope that all of you can meet her if you haven't already.

There are many many more friends to acknowledge and honor here and I will continue to update you all on all of life's wonderful opportunities that bring us all closer together.

Love and Light, Jesse

Saturday, October 18, 2008

October 18th, 2008

Hi All,

Well it's been a week and I'm still alive only not kicking just yet.

As fate would have it John and I had planned a trip to Italy this same week of my recovery from surgery. I had the option of having the surgery at the end of October but my ankle had started to really hurt more and more throughout the summer and I just couldn't wait any longer and something had to be sacrificed and it was Italy (for now).

John offered me him canceling the trip. I encouraged him to go. I knew that I would be cared for in his absence so I'm really glad that he took the time to go on this once in a lifetime trip with his dear friends from LA. We've been in contact every day and he's having a nice time. I'm glad that he's able to do this and not have to worry about me. It means a lot to me for him to do this!

I've had lots of great friends taking great care of me. And as I write this my sister Punkin is here taking very good care of me and Rudy. We're finally playing catch up after 7 month, which is when she was here during my open heart surgery. This is a photo of the healing proof by way of a minute scar from stem to sturnmum... ;-)

I have a friend here in San Fransico, Nick Aitken, who is cutting my hair and who is also a very talented photographer shooting fashion photos for local modeling agencies and offed to shoot me as a testement of the healing properties blessed upon me with the help of all the love that I recieve from you, my friends and family.

I know I'll be back at the top of my health and physical fitness in no time and I'll be able to keep in better step with my healthy lifestyle. I hope that I do ispire you but I want you to know that I have to give credit for all that I am and all that I can be, to an unseen power that is available to all of us. God has surely blessed me and I mirror all of that back to you!

I've got 3 more weeks on crutches so it's quite a challenge to stay put but I've got a lot of "Nurse Ratchet's" on hand. Now if I could only get any of them to dress in a cute Nurse maid outfit! Kent?..;-)

Angie Placado has been great. She brought me coffee each morning in the hospital alond with killer bran muffins that could double as weapons in a sling shot. She also brought lots of laughter and always brightens my day. I have to add that she even managed to get me a burrito even if it was 6 days after my request. We had a great laugh over that. Incidentally all the while she's been putting in crazy hours in her auto repair shop and training for her marathon which takes place tomorrow. Gook luck sunshine!

Kathy Clayton is another friend that I have to let every know has always been there for me in my health perils. She brought me a life saving hommade turkey and avocado sandwich and delicious soup. As we all know Hospital food sucks the big one. I didn't have a sliver of hospital food. It was repuslive actually. So Kathy, thank you thank you thank you!

Joe Pacetti has been a gem, How appropos since he's a Jeweler by trade. He brought over loads of goodies from his friends former bakery, Dianda's. Joe prepared a homemade meal one night of Meat loaf, Baked beans, mashed potatoes and biscuts. Then a homemade starwberry shortcake. It was delicious and was enjoyed by my dear friends Steven and Graham along with a friend of Joe. Thank you Joe once again for your care and big heart!

I also want to thank Brian Kohut for the delicious homemade chocolate Chip cookies. Yum yum yum. He brought them over with Jonathan for a quick visit the evening Joe cooked that delicious meal.

I have had plenty of visitor and company and many more to come so thanks for all you offers to help and companionship. I'm on the mends!

XOXO and Love and Light, Jesse

Modeling `Pics by Nick Aitken

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Back Home

Hi Everyone,

I'm back home and will update the blog in another day or so as I can't be up and about just yet so I'll get a new photo so you can see that I'm okay.

Please feel free to drop me a line by email anytime!

XOXO, Jesse

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Jesse doing well

Just came back from visiting Jesse in the hospital. All is well, though they have decided to keep him just one more night. Ugh! Everyone seems to think this one went well, so we are crossing our fingers that this is it. His pain is at manageable levels and he is in very good spirits. Only problem seems to be the hospital food, but we are bringing in his daily meals (and cookies) so he's a happy camper. Thanks for reading.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Hearts Beating that's a great sign

So here's the scoop as I have it now.

I go in tomorrow at 1PM and go into surgery around 2PM. It shoule be a 2 1/2 hour procedure. "Revision of Sub-talor fussion with bone graff taken from my ankkle and from my hip. 1 maybe 2 nights in the hospital for pain management and then to make sure that the coumadin levels are where they need to be before they will let me go home.

So this should all do the trick!

No need to worry. I'll be back on my own two feet in 4 weeks after surgery. The first week is no getting up and down unless neccessary to do business (Tinkle and such). other than that flat on my back.

If you want to find out how I'm doing check the blog first then give john a call and maybe I can have someone else to post my blog since David Aguilar has to be out of town, I'll have John do it first and then my sister Punkin over the weekend.

If any of you would love to help. Soups are always easy and tasty and store easily.

Sandwiches are great as long as they're not pigs feet sandwiches...yuk.

Cookies always brighten my smile and Potted plants always have room to grow...

Otherwise I would love to see any of you if you have time to pop over throught the day (calling first is helpful) so I can at least pull my jammies on,... :-)

Thanks for all you prayers and love. My heart is whats allowing me to have the power and strength to go forward with this surgey and I feel it will finally be a success!

Love and Light to you all!


Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Another Ankle surgery

Hi all,

Some of you know that I have been dealing with a bum ankle that I broke 7 years ago and have had 6 surgeries to try to repair it. It's not worked and now I have one last chance to rid myself of the constant pain due to the last 2 subtalor fusions not fulling healing. This is the last surgery that I will be able to have to try to relieve the pain so let's cross our fingers.

I go in on October 10 and will be in the hospital 1-2 nights. The first night is mainly for pain management. I'll only have to stay another night if I can't get my blood levels thin enough to be sent home.

Since I had my open heart surgery and had the artificial aortic valve put in I have to take blood thinners to keep the valve from sticking from a clot. If that were to happen, well I'd have a heart attack and then I wouldn't be able to keep this blog running with all the wonderful things that happen in my life with all you wonderful loving friends and family.

Here is a photo update for those of you who haven't seen me in person.

I shot these 2 weeks ago Sunday at the Velocity Circus training center in Oakland. I want to share my thanks for Greg Angelo and Jeffrey Fern who stayed at the center to let my dear friend Louis LaSalle shoot me along with a new friend Brett to assist in the shoot.

This is only one of several and I hope Louis doesn't mind my sharing it with you all.

I'll have some more photos from another event that I was hired for to direct a show as well as perform in it. It was very cool and HOT and sexy.
Who would have thought that at 47 years old I'd still be on stage?!

Thanks again for staying in touch and for all your love and support and encouragement!

XOXO, Love and Light, Jesse

P.S. Californian's Remember to vote NO on Prop 8

Found Napoleon a home

Thanks for all the interest in finding my nieces schnauzer pup a home. He has a perfect match with a friends mother who needed the added company and a little love to share with another being that knows nothing but how to give love in return.

I'll post a new photo soon!

Thanks again!

XOXO, Jesse

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Another one to cuddle up to making your heart full

Hi everyone,

My neice has a Minature schnauzer puppy of 4 and a half months old. He's a cuttie!

He loves to cuddle and is a low key guy. And will melt your heart and help bring more joy into your life. And some of you ahve been talking about getting dog to care for you...

If you are at all interested in meeting him I'm trying to get him here this weekend for anyone who want to to meet him

Can't let this little gem be put out to pasture!"

XOXO, Jesse


Tuesday, August 19, 2008

My Cup runneth over

Thank you all for the wonderful heart felt emails, calls and text messages! It all because of you all that I am where I am today, in a state of utter well being surrounded and bathed in LIGHT!

My friends and family give me the strength and fortitude to live life to the fullest holding back to nothing and allowing opportunities to unfold naturally and organically.

I am blessed to be loved by so many wonderful people and can only trust that the love I have for you will continue to strengthen the bonds of our friendship to last even beyond this lifetime!

XOXO and Love and Light, Jesse

Monday, August 18, 2008

My Heart is Full!

My Heart is fuller than ever!

Ugh, Where to begin?

First of all I meet with my heart surgeon last Wednesday the 13 of August and this is what he had to say, all the while with a smile on his face and an astonished look in his eyes.

"You look GREAT! You don't need to be here. I've never seen anyone recover so quickly and more fully. It's beyond anything I've ever seen before, but that doesn't surprise me, being in the shape you were in before and even better now with your new parts.

This from a man that I was told was the best in his field but a real assh***. It wasn't as if we were talking Dr. to patient, more like a man in awe to a discovery. He was beaming full of light when he talked to me.

Okay, now for the whole of what's transpired over the past couple of weeks. And I'll give it all up to you at the end of next months update.

My little angle Athena was diagnosed with Melanoma Caner in April. The Vet warned us that this form of cancer was very aggressive and that we'd have to keep a close eye on its progress. She'd had a toe removed from here front paw at that point and recovered very well.

for recovery by blessings of my dear friendAs most of you know I've been traveling alot since my first trip to Hawaii David Browning. He invited me to travel with him to London and Paris July 24- Sunday August 4th. We had a blast and it was truly magical!

But upon my return on that Sunday John had informed me that Athena hadn't eaten and wasn't drinking water since the day before. She was vomiting and had diarrhea and was losing weight fast. This from a little girl who LOVED to eat. Something was clearly wrong.

The next morning I made a vet appointment for her to be seen by her regular vet, who would be in the office on Thursday, if Athena was still not feeling well. Tuesday she nibbled a bit but was still vomiting and barely drinking water. So I decided to take her into Emergency room on Wednesday morning. They admitted her to stay overnight to give her IV fluids and to see if they could get her to eat. They would also perform some diagnostic test of x-rays and blood work to see if maybe she had pancreatitis or if the x-rays showed any sign of the cancer spreading.

Well the cancer had spread into her lungs and liver. But the diagnosis still didn't explain why she wasn't eating and why she couldn't hold anything down. She looked so depressed. Not like her bubbly self.

On Thursday Athena's regular doctor was in and she expressed the same thing, She still wasn't eating but she was more responsive from the IV fluids. We all decided that since she wasn't getting any better in the hospital that we should bring her home to see if making her more comfortable would help in getting her to eat. This was a crucial point. She had to eat or we could five her a feeding tube.

I boiled some sweet potatoes and she ate it. She then started eating her cry food with bagles and chicken broth. Isn't that almost Maztah soup? She was getting her strength back as well as her appetite. So by Friday when John had to leave for Palm Springs to care for the new house that he bought there were no worries.

I had a trip to NY planned for the coming Sunday so Maharshi ( Athena's other Mommie) agreed to take her to his house to take care of her while John and I were away.

John was returning on Tuesday and I was scheduled to return on the that friday the 15th.

Monday evening after I left to NY Maharshi had informed me that Athena wasn't eating again and was vomiting even the water she drank. I had him bring Athena back home to John to care for her. He called the vet and decided that do a home treatment of IV fluids to keep her hydrated. I cut my trip short to come home to take care of Athena and to decide what the plan of action would be.

I had hoped that thing would turn out in her favor, but as I came to find that her little body was just not up for it.

Maharshi had shared with John that he had spoken to a psychic (A channel to be exact) that Wednesday, because the time was nearing of Peter death on labor day last year, and Maharshi wanted clarity on the emotional turmoil that was going on with the possibility of losing yet another important being in his life. The psychic, with whom Maharshi had never spoken to, got the hit immediately that someone wanted to talk to Maharshi, someone by the name that started with a "P". This person was talking about, "My little Princess" which is what Peter always referred to Athena. The psychic asked if Athena was a pet dog and that She wasn't well. That she was having intestinal problems keeping food down. She said that Peter was saying that he would be there to receive Athena when she was ready to pass over. This convinced me that Athena was indeed ready to end her battle.

I ended my trip in NY and flew back after what would be an 11 hour flight from JFK aiport arriving welll after midnight to San Francisco.

The next morning I was lying on the floor with Athena observing how her body was responding. She was having labored breathing and wouldn't stand on her own. She refured water and food. It reminded me of what my grandmother was like in the hospital the day before she died. Her body was just shutting down.

I spoke our Vet after 9AM to find out what the options were for Athena's well being and best and worst scenario. Our Vet said she would be available if we decided to put her to sleep or if we wanted to take her into the Hospital and try to tube feed her. But given that here cancer was progressing it wouldn't be much time before we'd have to put her down.

I could let her die slowly! We decided to have the vet come over @ 2:30 that day. Maharshi would come over so that the 3 of Athena's daddies would be by here side to see her off. It was killing me to even think about her not being here in the furry flesh.

I was lying on the floor with her listening to her labored breathing looking out of our bedroon window when I had a vision of Peter standing in the sunlight calling to Athena and her running towards him and jumping up to get into his arms. I realized then that it was almost a year to the day when Peter and Maharshi were visiting me over the Labor Day weekend and Peter having a heart attack and dyning in front of my face in our home in the guest bedroom.

I then realized that that was where we would have the Vet help us transition Athena to the other side directly into Peter's arms.

I could never have imagined that anyone would ever have the chance to arrange such a perfect reunion of transition into the other form of existance. All three of us living parents to Athena had the chance to spend individual time with "our little Princess" before all three of us holding her while Megan delivered the potion of peaceful sleep.

It was one of the most heart wrenching and heart warming peaceful moments or heart break that I could've ever experienced. She is missed and loved so dearly by everyone that new and met her.

She loved to sing and bitch and just be loved.

See will be missed but her life was celebrated this past weekend and help make the whole rest of the weekend magic.

Athena we love and miss you and will forever be in "Full in our hearts!"

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

4 Months and counting

Hi everyone,

Well it's been 4 months since my surgery and I am feeling almost 100%. I've been very busy getting back to living a normal lifestyle being active, working and causing waves.

I have to thank you all for making my life so special and meaningful giving me love, nourishment and encouragement to know that I would be alright!

I've posted these pictures taken a couple of weeks ago at my dear friend David Browning's home in Pebble Beach. David Aguilar and I went down to stay the night for dinner and gifting massages to David B and Nancy Miccoli as thanks for their incredible generosity of Food and Drink and Decoration for the fund raiser that David Aguilar organized. The donations were so generous and might I say a welcome assistance for the 3 months that I was off of work.

Not to shock anyone but the bill for the surgery came in at $289,000.00. Well if that doesn't give anyone a heart attack...!

I've had lots of great experiences and life lessons along the path of healing. I've know this from all the other health issues that I've gone through but it hit home again and filling my heart with a new found passion for giving of myself all that I am capable of to give others the gift of healthy living by a living example. My personal training video with include my "Spritual Bodybuilding" technique that I developed years ago when I got really sick and pulled myself out of deaths grip by being determined that no illness was going to take me away from my loved ones so easily. Most all of you were witness to that miracle and this recent episode in the Amado saga is another show of faith that the body is only a reflection of what we are on the inside on the deepest level that is Spirit and Light eternal!

I'm so happy that I have made it this far in my life and so very happy to be celebrating my mom's 70 birthday this coming August. She's been one of my best and closet friends and someone that I can always count on for her prayers for my well being and happiness. Come to think of it So have YOU. Thanks you, thank you, thank you!

You make my life richer than I could ever be if I had all the money in the world! You are my Treasure in my Chest!

XOXO and Love and Light Always!

Jesse Garcia 6.30.08

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

May's Update

Hello everyone,

To view the video on the blog click on the link at the bottom of the page that reads...

Jesse's Big Heart

XO, Jesse

Finally an update

Hello all,

Well it's been 10 weeks since surgery and I'm feeling very very good! I can't thank all my friends and family enough for all the love and support that you have all given me! It's been quite an humbling and life altering experience.

I have had so many wonderful opportunities to help the healing process along. My dear friend David Browning invited me to go to the Optimum Health Institute for a cleansing to help rid my body of the anesthesia from surgery but my doctor felt that my system wasn't quite ready to be put through a major change since I was still trying to normalize my heart function. So he invited me to Hawaii instead. And I have to say it was one of the best thing to do to help get myself to healing quicker.

The sun, ocean air, magnificent scenery, and change of pace all aided to my quickened pass to recovery. I started back to the gym while there doing cardio and light weight training. It felt so good to move my body again.

I've put together a video to share of the trip and I hope you enjoy it. I also took the opportunity to put Jason Castro of American Idol's version of Somewhere Over the Rainbow on it. One of my favorite songs of the season and felt that it was fitting for the video.

I have a long list of names for Thank yous and I'll post that later this week.

I'm back and thank God for John and for all of you who helped bring me back to health and helped me to recover quickly with your food, love, laughter, care and understanding.


XOXO and Love and Light, Jesse

Monday, March 31, 2008

Fund Raiser

Thanks, thanks, and thanks! What a fun night of celebration of friendship. The party was a success due to the organization of David Aguilar who coordinated the event bringing in my dear long time friend Nancy Miccoli who served up the delicious hor d'eurves and David Browning who provided the beverages, queso as well as the setting up and making our home look magical with flowers and finishing touches, and of course all of you who were able to attend.

I hope you enjoy a few photos from the great evening.

Contributions were made, which was difficult for me to accept when they started coming in, but then after a pep talk from John, he made me realize how much love all of you have for me and have made this whole ordeal of open heart surgery manageable which helped keep me focused on healing fully.

I'm looking forward to being back on track and living life fully once again and to continued nourishing friendships new and old with all of you who have made a huge impact on my life by once again helping me to realize how precious a life can be and how lucky I am to be alive to share it with you!

XOXO and Love and Light always! Jesse