Thursday, October 30, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Hello everyone,

Well it's all Hallows' eve and it's raining and gloomy here in SF. Elections are upon us and love is needed to heal the world. Fortunately for me I am constantly surrounded by love, light and positive healing energy from all of my family and friends. And the healing is going great but there are a few glitches.

I went to see my cardiologist on Monday as a follow up to my open heart surgery and as a post op from my ankle surgery. My heart is fine. My ankle is healing rather miraculously fast and I feel great! But, she put a little scare in my when she said that my coumadin levels were not in the range that they need to be for the safe working of my new mechanical valve.

Coumadin is a medication that I have to take to thin my blood. My blood has to be within a certain level to keep the blood flowing freely and smoothly through the new valve. If the blood isn't thin enough there is a risk of getting a clot or of too much pressure pushing against the platstic parts of the valve and could cause the valve to break and, well it would be the end of Jesse and we know him.

My Cardiologist said that I should not have been released from the hospital without my blood levels in the acceptable range. But I was and that the normal protocol is Hospitalization for at least 2 days until the levels are normalized for the valve function.

I don't want to go back into the hospital and I told her so and wanted to know what my options were. She said that uping the dosages of my medication should do the trick along with twice daily under the skin shots. And we'll check the levels again Friday (Tomorrow) and if they are in renge great but if not I will have to be admitted into the hospital to have IV administered medication for 2 days or however long it takes to get my blood thinned.

I'll do whatever my doctors need me to do but I am so tired of being in the hospital and I am so looking forward to getting back to my massage work as well as getting back into the gym and, well just being able to take care of my self!

Again it's been such a challege to get through this ankle operation but adding another level of obstacles of my new heart parts is doubly so. But it's been made much more managible with the help of my loving friends and family.

I am looking forward to getting back on my feet and getting onward through the Holidays and bringing in a new and amazing new year full of positive creations of love, light, and happiness with new and old friends and family.

There are so many friends that have projects brewing all around me which I know will be so successful, and that are being manifested in such a way that helps to nurture and embrace all who come into contact with them with postiveness and light and appreciation for their creations.

One such friend is Tony Cero who has a business called Cake creations in San Jose click on this link to see him in a televised segment with Jan Whal on KRON channel 4. Tony has over the years blessed me and my friends and family with delicious baked hugs that warm the soul. "My Big Fat Fabulous Wedding" part 5

Another great amazing soul is my friend Gigi. I work with he occassionally with Greg Angelo's Velocity Circus. She's a face and body paint artist. She won 1st prize last year at the international face and body painting competition in Amsterdam. Here is her website...

Gigi is always a breath of fresh air and always lifts my spirits with her loving energy. She is an exraordiary woman and I hope that all of you can meet her if you haven't already.

There are many many more friends to acknowledge and honor here and I will continue to update you all on all of life's wonderful opportunities that bring us all closer together.

Love and Light, Jesse

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