Sunday, November 2, 2008

Everything is Rosey

Hi tlo all of my loving and accepting friends and family,

Sorry for the delay in this post. All turned out well with my the levels of coumadin and my blood levels are withing the necessary range for keeping my blood thinned.

I waited all day to hear back from my doctors office on Friday and when I finally got the "okay" I rushed to pull my things together to take a road trip down to Palm Springs for the weekend. I was getting so stir crazy staying at home in San Francisco and the stairs were 'driving me mad'! It had been a challenge to get Rudy out of the house on a regular basis to have him pee and to keep him comfortable and not having to clean up a piddle puddle in the house.

So I picked up my friend Brett after he got off work and off we went with Rudy in tow to drive down to Palm Spring where the weather has been in the low 90's. Sorry rain soaked and matted feathered friends. But I send lots of sunny, warm, and thoughts to keep you dry.

I'll be home on Tuesday in time to cast my vote for Obama and the many other propositions and measures that will bring about a much need boost in morale and positive change and human stability that we all deserve to continue to evolve into a world of LOVE and inclusiveness and not hate and separation!

A Special thanks for Angie Placado for he help in setting me up for the weekend drive, Brett for taking the time to drive me and Rudy down, and to John for having this special place down in Palm Springs available for the get away for "pick me ups"! And as always to all of you who call, send me food (Don and Jorge!), and those who send me emails and text messages of love, support, encouragement, and concern! You fill me up!

Love and Light, Jesse

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