Thursday, October 9, 2008

Hearts Beating that's a great sign

So here's the scoop as I have it now.

I go in tomorrow at 1PM and go into surgery around 2PM. It shoule be a 2 1/2 hour procedure. "Revision of Sub-talor fussion with bone graff taken from my ankkle and from my hip. 1 maybe 2 nights in the hospital for pain management and then to make sure that the coumadin levels are where they need to be before they will let me go home.

So this should all do the trick!

No need to worry. I'll be back on my own two feet in 4 weeks after surgery. The first week is no getting up and down unless neccessary to do business (Tinkle and such). other than that flat on my back.

If you want to find out how I'm doing check the blog first then give john a call and maybe I can have someone else to post my blog since David Aguilar has to be out of town, I'll have John do it first and then my sister Punkin over the weekend.

If any of you would love to help. Soups are always easy and tasty and store easily.

Sandwiches are great as long as they're not pigs feet sandwiches...yuk.

Cookies always brighten my smile and Potted plants always have room to grow...

Otherwise I would love to see any of you if you have time to pop over throught the day (calling first is helpful) so I can at least pull my jammies on,... :-)

Thanks for all you prayers and love. My heart is whats allowing me to have the power and strength to go forward with this surgey and I feel it will finally be a success!

Love and Light to you all!


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