Saturday, October 18, 2008

October 18th, 2008

Hi All,

Well it's been a week and I'm still alive only not kicking just yet.

As fate would have it John and I had planned a trip to Italy this same week of my recovery from surgery. I had the option of having the surgery at the end of October but my ankle had started to really hurt more and more throughout the summer and I just couldn't wait any longer and something had to be sacrificed and it was Italy (for now).

John offered me him canceling the trip. I encouraged him to go. I knew that I would be cared for in his absence so I'm really glad that he took the time to go on this once in a lifetime trip with his dear friends from LA. We've been in contact every day and he's having a nice time. I'm glad that he's able to do this and not have to worry about me. It means a lot to me for him to do this!

I've had lots of great friends taking great care of me. And as I write this my sister Punkin is here taking very good care of me and Rudy. We're finally playing catch up after 7 month, which is when she was here during my open heart surgery. This is a photo of the healing proof by way of a minute scar from stem to sturnmum... ;-)

I have a friend here in San Fransico, Nick Aitken, who is cutting my hair and who is also a very talented photographer shooting fashion photos for local modeling agencies and offed to shoot me as a testement of the healing properties blessed upon me with the help of all the love that I recieve from you, my friends and family.

I know I'll be back at the top of my health and physical fitness in no time and I'll be able to keep in better step with my healthy lifestyle. I hope that I do ispire you but I want you to know that I have to give credit for all that I am and all that I can be, to an unseen power that is available to all of us. God has surely blessed me and I mirror all of that back to you!

I've got 3 more weeks on crutches so it's quite a challenge to stay put but I've got a lot of "Nurse Ratchet's" on hand. Now if I could only get any of them to dress in a cute Nurse maid outfit! Kent?..;-)

Angie Placado has been great. She brought me coffee each morning in the hospital alond with killer bran muffins that could double as weapons in a sling shot. She also brought lots of laughter and always brightens my day. I have to add that she even managed to get me a burrito even if it was 6 days after my request. We had a great laugh over that. Incidentally all the while she's been putting in crazy hours in her auto repair shop and training for her marathon which takes place tomorrow. Gook luck sunshine!

Kathy Clayton is another friend that I have to let every know has always been there for me in my health perils. She brought me a life saving hommade turkey and avocado sandwich and delicious soup. As we all know Hospital food sucks the big one. I didn't have a sliver of hospital food. It was repuslive actually. So Kathy, thank you thank you thank you!

Joe Pacetti has been a gem, How appropos since he's a Jeweler by trade. He brought over loads of goodies from his friends former bakery, Dianda's. Joe prepared a homemade meal one night of Meat loaf, Baked beans, mashed potatoes and biscuts. Then a homemade starwberry shortcake. It was delicious and was enjoyed by my dear friends Steven and Graham along with a friend of Joe. Thank you Joe once again for your care and big heart!

I also want to thank Brian Kohut for the delicious homemade chocolate Chip cookies. Yum yum yum. He brought them over with Jonathan for a quick visit the evening Joe cooked that delicious meal.

I have had plenty of visitor and company and many more to come so thanks for all you offers to help and companionship. I'm on the mends!

XOXO and Love and Light, Jesse

Modeling `Pics by Nick Aitken

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