Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Finally an update

Hello all,

Well it's been 10 weeks since surgery and I'm feeling very very good! I can't thank all my friends and family enough for all the love and support that you have all given me! It's been quite an humbling and life altering experience.

I have had so many wonderful opportunities to help the healing process along. My dear friend David Browning invited me to go to the Optimum Health Institute for a cleansing to help rid my body of the anesthesia from surgery but my doctor felt that my system wasn't quite ready to be put through a major change since I was still trying to normalize my heart function. So he invited me to Hawaii instead. And I have to say it was one of the best thing to do to help get myself to healing quicker.

The sun, ocean air, magnificent scenery, and change of pace all aided to my quickened pass to recovery. I started back to the gym while there doing cardio and light weight training. It felt so good to move my body again.

I've put together a video to share of the trip and I hope you enjoy it. I also took the opportunity to put Jason Castro of American Idol's version of Somewhere Over the Rainbow on it. One of my favorite songs of the season and felt that it was fitting for the video.

I have a long list of names for Thank yous and I'll post that later this week.

I'm back and thank God for John and for all of you who helped bring me back to health and helped me to recover quickly with your food, love, laughter, care and understanding.


XOXO and Love and Light, Jesse

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