Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Another Ankle surgery

Hi all,

Some of you know that I have been dealing with a bum ankle that I broke 7 years ago and have had 6 surgeries to try to repair it. It's not worked and now I have one last chance to rid myself of the constant pain due to the last 2 subtalor fusions not fulling healing. This is the last surgery that I will be able to have to try to relieve the pain so let's cross our fingers.

I go in on October 10 and will be in the hospital 1-2 nights. The first night is mainly for pain management. I'll only have to stay another night if I can't get my blood levels thin enough to be sent home.

Since I had my open heart surgery and had the artificial aortic valve put in I have to take blood thinners to keep the valve from sticking from a clot. If that were to happen, well I'd have a heart attack and then I wouldn't be able to keep this blog running with all the wonderful things that happen in my life with all you wonderful loving friends and family.

Here is a photo update for those of you who haven't seen me in person.

I shot these 2 weeks ago Sunday at the Velocity Circus training center in Oakland. I want to share my thanks for Greg Angelo and Jeffrey Fern who stayed at the center to let my dear friend Louis LaSalle shoot me along with a new friend Brett to assist in the shoot.

This is only one of several and I hope Louis doesn't mind my sharing it with you all.

I'll have some more photos from another event that I was hired for to direct a show as well as perform in it. It was very cool and HOT and sexy.
Who would have thought that at 47 years old I'd still be on stage?!

Thanks again for staying in touch and for all your love and support and encouragement!

XOXO, Love and Light, Jesse

P.S. Californian's Remember to vote NO on Prop 8

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