Saturday, March 15, 2008

Recovery Week 2-3.14.08

Thank you so much for all of you who have helped me with my recovery process. I could not have done it without you! If I've forgotten to mention you in this particular blog update I'm sorry. My memory is getting better but still slow. No Slower than normal...;-)

Thanks to John, My mother, My sister Punkin(Mary), who stayed here at home with John for a week while I was in the hospital, My sisters Gina and Margie, My niece Nena, who made life manageable for my first 2 day home, Cathy Clayton, Billy Polson for the loving care of a dear friend and for the fruit and the ride to my first follow up appointment to check my blood levels (Very important now that I'm on blood thinners for the rest of my life, to Tom Corvo for being here at last minutes notice, Mark Beyer for being a big help with my dogs Rudy and Cody, to Nicholas, Louis LaSalle and Kira Od who were great to take me out for a burrito and the park and to Kira for giving Rudy his much needed bath. To Brian and Dan for bringing a delicious dinner over the weekend and
to Marc, Steven and Graham for bringing dinner and good cheer. And to Gigi for always making me laugh and for braving taking me to Costco. I couldn't have enjoyed going there any more if I had gone with the whole Disney crew...;-). To Patti for bringing me some groceries after getting off work and for Billy Hayes for giving me a great book to read that he wrote "The Anatomist" which is getting great reviews and whose book was recognized by my surgeon when I went to see him on Wednesday telling me he had gone to his talk at UCSF the weeks before. and of course my thanks again to Kathy Clayton for taking me out for Sushi last night for my birthday. And I want to make sure to thank Tom Carlbert for the great birthday cake and to Kenny and Jim for bringing some delicious home made soup and lasagna. It was the best.

If I've forgotten anyone please forgive me. I look forward to seeing everyone in person again soon. Your blessings and well wishes mean the world to me.

XOXO, Jesse

P.S. I forgot to mention David Aguilar who has been in London on vacation but managed to come visit the first few days in the hospital and who is planning a get together on my behalf in a couple of weeks.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Jesse, this is Freddy from Paris. I tried too on my side to send positive waves to you ! probably got lost over the Ocean ;o) I can't believe how good you look so close to this major surgery. It does not seem to reflect what you've been through. Your courage sure humbles me, and makes me look on the bright side of life :o) cheers mate and looking forward to seeing you soon. Freddy