Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Friends caring actions encourage abundance and wellbeing, which empowers healing, which inspires love, which opens the doors to prayers being answered

As per request here is the address that you may send contributions...

Jesse A Garcia
950 A. Kansas Street, San Francisco, CA 94107

Hello everyone,

I hope that you all had a great weekend.

I just wanted acknowledge David Aguilar and to let everyone know how much I appreciate the tremendous and unselfish task that he has put forth in organizing this cocktail party in my honor. Again it reaffirms just how blessed I am to have so many friends that care so much for me and my well being and how deeply it touches my heart to the ends of the universe and no not the old Universe that was on Townsend.

So many of you have already given me so much with your contributions of meals, cookies, lemonade, HAIRCUT, carting me around, listening to my aches and pains, comforting John and I with our current loss of our Dear Cody and through the recovery process of my open heart surgery, and for just blessings us with you presence.

How could anyone not be RICH after all that?! I am rich and full of love and beaming with Light that I feel like I could fly! And it's not just the painkillers talking...;-)

So please, do not to feel obligated to have to do anything more but to be here and let us all celebrate life, love and Each Other as we never know what lies around the next corner. Let's make this a celebration of life to honor one another. and let things unfold organically.

And if there are any suggestions for the fundraising effort, please let David Aguilar or John know. One friend suggested selling my GIft Certificates for future massages. I'll have some on had and others we can print out and send them to whomever you choose.

I'll have a rough copy of my Tight and FIt Workout Video for viewing and maybe we can do pre-sales if anyone is interested in purchasing one.

I feel a bit strange having a fund raiser but I also know that those who are able to attend the celebration is for you to. You need to know that you are our family and we treasure your friendship which are by far some of our greatest gift that we could ever have imagined. And who am I to slap God in the face when I pray for guidance and something is put into motion to answer those prayer.

My list of friends goes far and wide spanning the world over and will have received the Evite for the gathering. Obviously not all of you will be able to attend or perhaps many of you will be out of town, but you will all be here in spirit as I know who you are and why I've chosen you to be a part of this experience. Because you all enrich my life in ways that may be small and powerful, or ways that are large and empowering, others just are a beam of light that brightens my days others are just darn wonderful loving people that would walk the ends of the earth to support me.

The only reason that I know all this to be true it because I have that same love and honor and cherrish each and every one of you that fulfills the needs between us as friends to the end.

I Thank, thank, thank God for all of you. For helping me heal to the fullest making my doctors say in amazement, " Wow, you had your surgery when?

Hope to see many of you!

XOXO, Love and Light, Jesse

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


is there an address you can list on the blog to send donations?
