Thursday, March 20, 2008

Mending a broken heart!

Hello everyone,

Many of you have already learned the news of John and I losing our dear dog Cody (John’s yellow Labrador) who has been in John's life for 13+ years. He was dealing with a worsening condition of arthritis in his hips and took a turn for the worse on Tuesday when he had barely been able to walk. We took him into the Vet on Wednesday morning and find out that he had pneumonia and with the reassurance from our Vet, who knew Cody very well, said that Cody would have a very difficult time recovering from this illness.

The look on Cody's face was one of being very tired of having to struggle to lift his own weight. After the vet gave us the prognosis, we all, our Vet, John and myself, decided that putting Cody to sleep would be in his best interest by not prolonging his discomfort of trying to coax his aging body into hanging on and most likely lose the battle of the illness.

John has been having a difficult time dealing with the loss but as we all know time will heal our hearts but that still doesn’t help that fact that losing a close member of our family or one of close circle of friends hurt and weighs heavy on our new and established hearts.

It’s amazing that Cody held on long enough for me to be stronger to be there for John. He brought lots of joy to all our family and friends who got the chance to know him more personally. Some of us bathed him, combed his coat, over fed him, cleaned up his poop, brushed his teeth, cleaned out his ears, carried him up and down our ridiculous amount of steps, took him for walks, took him swimming at the beach, did I mention clean up his poop? ;-)

He brought joy to everyone who knew him and he is greatly missed!

Rudy is sad and will miss his little big brother as well. He stayed downstairs with Cody the morning we took him to the Vet. Rudy has always been quite sensitive to those around him so hopefully you’ll appreciate the follow photos that we’ve taken of our little furry family members.

My health and heart continue to improve daily. I’m glad that my heart was strong enough to get through this sad chapter of our life, but as God would have it the timing was such that I could still be a source of strength to get through this and to be here for John to lean on as well.

Thanks for all your well wishes and for all the love and support that you all continue to give our family, furry and otherwise…;-).

XO and Love and Light, Jesse

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I had heard from someone the other day about your open-heart surgery and now reading your blog saw about your ex and about John's dog. A lot to handle in a few months! And....turning 47 to boot.

To a wonderful guy - my best wishes for a speedy recovery.

Your friend,

Jim from Marin