Friday, February 22, 2008

Some encouraging words

Life is so full of blessing that I needed to share this with all of you.

My sister in law sent me this in an email...

Dear Jesse,
The girls and I just read your blog for the first time and we wanted you to know that you are in our hearts and prayers. I know that this has to be the hardest and most challenging thing that you have had to go through, but from what I know about you , from the very first day I met you Jesse is that God put you on this earth for a reason "to inspire people" you have to be the strongest,most positive and most inspirational person I have ever met. Before you close your eyes the day of the surgery know that God is holding your hand and when it is time for you to wake up he'll give you a big squeeze and you'll open those bright eyes of yours and your loved ones will be waiting to take excellent care of you. Be the strong person that you our and have no fear God will be with you!!!!!! We love you brother and uncle Jesse!!!!Love always and forever, Liz ,Autumn and Tara!!!!!!!

You all give me reasons to keep on going and to spread love and light through my aspirations and I will only have more reasons to continue to inspire and live life to it's fullest in spite of all the obstacles that come my way.

XO and Love, Light, Peace, and Harmony


Unknown said...

Hey Jessie, We wanted you to know that Rob and I are thinking of you. It's tough when something like this gets re-scheduled, you don’t realize how mentally prepared you are until it changes. It’s a big letdown.
But keep your chin up. You can put it all behind you soon.
A&R x

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking and praying for you handsome!
Stay strong