Tuesday, February 19, 2008

My cuspid runneth over...

Life is good!

I was so set to have surgery today that I found myself very depressed today. I guess it's natural to feel let down when you've had your mind set on doing something only not to be able to see it through. Well at least not yet. It's been an interesting ride so far just getting up my courage to get this thing over with. Everything happens for a reason so time will tell after this is all said and done.

Again thanks for all the love and support and messages sent over land and line and cyberspace. I am very blessed to have so many friends offer their help with the days following the surgery. My heart is so full that it has no choice but to survive!

My heart is so full I'm curious to see the surgeons face when he opens me up and sees all your smiling faces looking up at him...I can see it now, "And you were there, and your were there, And you..., There's no place like home...". LOL

I love you guys!



frank said...

Jesse, much better date astrologically for the surg. next week! this week is heavy energy, mercury has been retro and lunar eclipse today,20 feb., full moon. all for the best that it was delayed. luv your video!breathe all around your heart with acceptance!feel loving light come thru YOU!
frank dangelo

Doug said...

I sit here writing my dear soul friend, and it's hard to express the love I feel for you right now.
We've been through so much and, as always, you and I...we find our way to victory with all the challenges life brings our way.
Challenges become adventures with just a flip of the switch of our thoughts, and Jesse Angelman Garcia...I see you TOTALLY coming out of this beautifully perfect, and embarking on a brand new exciting adventure in your amazing life!

And what a joy it was seeing little Rudy again! Touches my heart so to know he's been there through it all and is still kickin'.

I'm with you all the way through and I'll call you later today.
There'll be victory for both of us on the day of your surgery...I'll tell you more then.

Sending love and immense healing light your way...shining your way back home to John and your dogs here and now.


Anonymous said...

All the best.

Can't type so well as you may have guessed.

ken dean