Friday, February 8, 2008

10 days and counting

Hello to everyone. I hope that this finds you all well and happy. Seems kind of fitting that I am able to share this adventure of the "heart" with all of you around this Valentine's holiday. Hearts everywhere I look these days.

I hope that the video that I posted wasn't too dramatic . It was a week ago Wednesday that I taped it and finally able to post it on this Wednesday. It really is liberating to be able to get this stuff off my chest.

So now I'm in the schedule making stage. So if any of you have time to spare during the day to help John with lunch or later in the day for a dinner shift please feel free to call him. Our home # 641-8338.

Rudy hasn't been doing all the well. His little brain is losing control with seizures and his balance is getting off a lot lately. But he's still our little man dog...;-)

I'll be posting another video over the weekend so hopefully I'll have a much more light hearted on to share.

I won't be going to NYC after all since John doesn't have to be there for work as was originally thought. So I'll be here in SF working as much as possible through next weekend.

Thanks again for all you messages and please go ahead and post your messages if you like to here.

Love and Light, Jesse


Anonymous said...

Jesse that video is very helpful to your friends ! OK, at least it is to me :-)

I know you'll pull through fine, I have no doubt about it.

john paul said...

Jesse, you're an amazing guy. The love and support you have will give you the strength to get thorough this time. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Love you and care for you big fella.

Anonymous said...


My heart is with you and you will always be in my prayers.

Your cousin, Ricky