Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Januarayn 30, 2008

I'm trying to post a video update but haven't quite figured it out yet. It's shot but I may have to update it if I can't get it worked out in the next day or so.

Feeling much better and will start setting up a calendar/ schedule of dates that we could use help. It will definitely be starting on the 23rd of February. So if any of you can help please call me or email me the dates that you can help out. Remember that we have a guest room if any of you are coming from out of town.

I'm encouraged and faithful that all will turn out fine!

XOXO and Love and Light, Jesse

I will be rotating different photos and such to show thanks to people who have touched my life in many different ways.

The new photo on the right is from  my friend Kira Od who creates "amazing" sculptures of bronze. I posed for several different pieces that she is creating. the one pictured here is of a man who is part Raven. She was inspired by my physique and has been quite inspiring and complimentary of my hard work. So her work is also on my list of "Gratefulness" for immortalizing me in bronze. Thanks you Kira and Louis LaSalle (my dear friend) for introducing me to her!

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