Saturday, March 13, 2010

Rudy's transitioned

Our Little Rudy has gone to doggie heaven. He had a seizure last night and had to be put to sleep. He was 16 1/2 year old. He had a great life and gave lots of joy to all who knew him. As I was reminded “Rudy was an unpretentious bundle of Love touching everyone’s life who met him.

His soulful eyes were unlike any dog I’d ever known. “It’s like he’s a person” people would say.

I got Rudy as a gift in 1993 from my BF Mark Smith when we lived in NYC. He was a curious little dog who would gallop like a pony whenever he had a toy or ball to play with. He never barked and never growled or said a mean thing to anyone. He would love strangers, friends and family all the same. Love unconditionally. That’s what he did and that was something that he reminded me to do every day of my life.
He had his share of tough battles his whole life. He was born with epilepsy, which I discovered when he was 2 years old. It freaked him and me out the first time he had a seizure. He got very disoriented and it would take me some time to let him be reassured that he would be ok. Eventually giving him medication would help to keep his seizures in check.

He was twice attacked by a pit bull, hit by a car, stolen then returned 2 days later. He had food allergies for which I had to watch that he wouldn’t eat red meat but if he got the chance he would devour an entire roll of Rolo Chocolates and Red Vines if I weren’t watching.

He had developed congestive heart disease the last couple of year and was on medication for that too. Needless to say I was the typical over protective parent when it came to his care.

Rudy and I have had lots of great times with many friends from all over the world. My Dear friend Robbie Browne in NYC was one such person with whom Rudy and I had the pleasure of creating memories. Taking a great ride along the Long Island expressway with the top down on Robbie’s 54 convertible was a special treat. Rudy loved his eyebrows blowing in the wind with one paw on the back of the drivers seat and the other on Robbie’s shoulder.

Rudy has been there for me through all of my life’s battles and triumphs. Dealing with health issues, relationships, family, travels and career. He always made me realize how blessed I really was to have him in my life reminding me that there are things in life more important than anything material could bring.

I need to thank my dear friend Doug Graham for being there on Rudy’s last day. Doug has known Rudy since he was a 1 year old pup in NYC. Doug came up from Palm Springs to care for Rudy and Bitsy while I've been away working. He's had the unfortunate but blessed opportunity to take Rudy on the journey to doggie heaven. It breaks my heart that I couldn’t be there to assist with Rudy’s transition but I guess that Rudy was already clearly absent since his last seizure 2 years ago from which he never fully recovered. Maybe this was Rudy’s opening to help me to let him go.

He will be greatly missed. John has been a great daddy to Rudy. He has helped me care for Rudy even while our relationship evolved, Brett too has taken to role of stepfather taking the extra care needed to help Rudy down the stairs to potty and for long late night walks.

Rudy I love you and you will always be in my heart and a part of my soul!

Love and Light, Jesse

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