Saturday, July 23, 2016

A month gone by...

Blog update- July 23
So I had a few test done this week. An TEE which is a “trans esophageal echo cardiogram” where they numb your throat with lidocain by gargling with it (the worse part of the whole thing) then put a long scope down your throat to do an echo cardiogram from the inside out to view the heart without the ribs being in the way. Then I had an MRI of my heart as well as an angiogram both with contrast to get better pictures of my arteries around my heart and to get a better view of the infection on my aorta and of the aortic valve and surrounding area. The preliminary report this morning was that there has been no significant change in the infection so things look pretty much the same. So my body and medicine are keeping the infection at bay. So that means we’re still on track to finish out the IV antibiotics unless there is a turn for the worse and I have to have surgery scheduled to get the infection out. In the meantime I am waiting to hear more from my surgeon on Monday after he has a better look at the images with the radiologist on Monday morning. It’s now been over a month since I’ve been in this hospital and 6 weeks total dealing with this infection. It’s now getting a little bit harder being here because of my limited variety of foods that are offered on the hospital room service menu. I’m really missing being able to cook at home and having the freedom to be able to run out to the grocery store to buy whatever it was I wanted to eat. It’s been great having friends be able to bring stuff for me and it’s not like I’m a food snob, it’s just that I try to take the best care of my body and that makes me I have been very particular in what I eat which mainly organic foods and certain brands that don’t contain extra ingredients that I don’t want in my body. So if you plan a visit and want to bring something food wise, a couple pieces of organic fruit is always a winner. ☺ I’ll have another update Monday afternoon. Thanks again for your love, support, prayers and positive energy!

1 comment:

David Grabstald said...

Thank you for the update! When are your visiting hours? ��