Sunday, November 15, 2009

Weekly Updates

Hi Everyone,

Well it's that time of year again when the Holidays are upon us and we'd much rather have our teeth pulled than have to hear all those Jingle jingle's all the day long, but to keep our spirits bright all we need to do is remember that we are loved. Not only by those pesky credit card companies who've resorted to gouging our pockets (they'd probably gouge our eyes out if it would turn a profit) but loved by our family and friends. It's more important and much more cherished to give the gift of love in a hand written note card rather than any prepaid gift card or some unwanted nick-knack, paddy whack, give a dog a bone kind of senseless gift.

My gift to all of you is to keep my blog current on a weekly basis. I've had so many people, friends and family alike as well as fans from past photography projects who have asked that I keep everyone updated on my health status and journal my spirits journey because it's inspired people to take care of themselves and to be introspective. I found that people are encouraged to see someone go through what would otherwise seem the worst of time and life situations and pull through it stronger and healthier than they were before the tumulus events.

I'm no super man, I’m not a Hero. I’m just a man who loves life, a man who loves his friends and family. A man who has touched by the hand of God in the midst of life’s failings. I will always do my best to be here to share with you my truth and the life that God has given to me. A messenger I guess is what I am.

I'm not rich in the worldly sense but I am rich in the fact that I have always had the support of the familiar and from strangers alike. So to that end I find it my responsibility to continue to grow and nourish my own body, heart and soul by keeping it clear, clean and strong so that I am able to share with you what inspires me so that it might inspire you.

Life is happening all around us. Take the time to appreciate the beauty in all things big and small, because before we know it, all that we know and all that we love could be gone within an instant. Anything we’ve accumulated will mean NOTHING to anyone when there is nothing on their table to eat and not table to put that empty plate on. So put away those "Santa list" and start to give to those who really need our help the most, the hungry and the homeless. And remember pets need loving too. Volunteer or Give to charities, especially to those that are within your local communities. The Arts are a vital source of reaching out to touch the hearts of people, so don’t forget them either. Help others help themselves. Don't give a hand out but give a hand up.

God has given us this lifetime to share our lives and to leave our positive imprint on the face of the earth.

Nourish your soul and your spirit will soar. Keep your body healthy so that you can be at the ready incase ANYONE needs your assistance in a moments notice. If you're ailing, the readiness that you have will help you through the rough times!

I don't mean to sound preachy and if I do well then I guess it's something we really need to hear so my post from here on out will be ones that I hope will encourage, enlighten and enliven all who decide to take the journey with me.

God knows it's been a bumpy ride for me but I had purchased an "E" ticket years ago, when Disneyland used to require them... lol.

Be well and Happy Holiday. Until next week!

Love and Light, Jesse

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