Sunday, December 4, 2016

Rising above it all

I've been finding myself very impatient these days. Every time I turn on a news program everything always has such a negative spin on it! I know we can't live with our heads in the sand, but we have to rise above how this makes us feel! I find myself being very irritated by people who keep their heads down into their phones while walking on a public sideway. There is so much beauty to see if you just life your head up to notice the billowing clouds in the sky or to consciously feel the sunlight on your face. I start to feel myself being pulled into the seemingly “hurry up and get there” when there is no rush to arrive on time because I left with plenty of time to get there at least 5 minutes early. But this is all trivial because I’ve been through much worse. Many of you know that I’ve been through a lot of physical and emotional challenges in my life and continue to do so. Currently I'm having to deal with painful bruising and swelling for which I believe is caused by having to take Warfarin to thin my blood to prevent a blood clot forming on my mechanical heart valve and unfortunately I have to be on this medication for the rest of my life. I’ve always managed to get through tough times with the only way I know how, with faith in a higher power that I’ve come to know on a very personal level. When you stare death in the face you have some profound experiences that forever change the way you view life.
Now I know that a lot of people get this because they too have met challenges head on with the knowledge of God either leading the way by keeping a clear mind or by holding us up when we have no energy left to go on by ourselves. For those of you who have a sense of an unseen force that motivates us to be better people, to have compassion for our fellow human beings, and honor the earth and all it’s living creatures, it is that power that keeps our heads above the water. For those who don’t see life as a miracle created by an unseen energy force but still feel that doing good to help those in need, or to help wherever you can, is an acknowledgement that something beyond your physical body and can contribute to positive change. It the present climate of political uncertainty I find it most challenging to keep myself in that place of grounded energy that keeps me healthy and whole. By taking 5 minutes in the morning before I get out of bed to say my prayer or mantra helps me to keep a more focused path to see the love in everyone I encounter in the coming day. I ask for God to use me as a tool of positive love towards all human beings, regardless if I agree with them or not., to use me as He sees fit and to cast judgment out of my mind but to be discerning and to stand up to injustice by
taking action. I pray to keep my family, friends, colleagues and so-workers safe and healthy, as well as praying for love and peace for my neighbors, neighborhood, city, state, country, and the world. This may sound so far reaching but we can use all the affirmative energy we can muster to get through each and every day. These are certainly trying times for many of us in America and the world and while we go about our daily lives life will happen all around us. It’s up to us how we will perceive it and deal with it. My hope is that each of us will take the time to take a breath and just be grateful for what we do have and for all we’ve been able to accomplish thus far in our lives and know that with God all things are possible. Because when it’s all said and done our bodies will parish and what left are the memories of how we’ve touched others, good bad and indifferent. I choose to nourish as many good memories as possible. Have faith as life is a blessing!