Sunday, January 24, 2010

January 2010

Here we are in a new year and a new decade. One that I feel is going to bring lots of change and growth in so many positive ways!

It seems as though Spirit has been moving a lot of loving, positive energy through so

many people this past year. Many of you, my close family and friends, have found renewed faith

and energy in a Power greater than any one of us. It's a Power that is strengthened by bringing us all closer together.

This last year has made me appreciate even more, all the

challenges that I’ve had to deal with in my life. Having to face life threatening illness, having to deal with life altering accidents, having to adjust to taking life saving medications, life after several surgical procedures, the loss of loved ones, changes within relationships while still being able to maintain and build a friendship to be even stronger than before.

Almost anyone else would have just let go and succumbed to the path of least resistance, but it is my spiritual beliefs that help keep it all in check.

All is going very well with me. My personal training career is growing faster now and I’ve been learning a lot of the business side of owning my own personal training business. Let me tell you, it’s a lot of work! Not only have I had to create my own website and learn about advertising, but I also have to keep tight records for each client. Everything needs to be documented. It’s like working in a doctor’s office.

Being certified as a personal trainer also necessitates having to take continuing education courses (CEU’s). It’s required for my certification and it’s a requirement by Diakadi Body where I work exclusively with my clients. Each year I have to have 1.2 CEU’s for Diakadi and a total of 2.0 CEU’s for my NASM (National Academy of Sports Medicine) certification.

This is all good because I want to be one of the best in the field of Personal Training, and that’s a tall bill to fill. Everyone at Diakadi is so proficient in personal training because the owners of Diakadi (Billy and Mike) demand such and for that I am especially thrilled that I have been blessed to be a part of their team. I’ve been learning of many different styles of exercise, different teaching techniques, as well as how to use all the different apparatus that are available. It’s an exciting time to be a personal trainer. Helping people recover from injuries, surgery, helping to correct years of postural misalignment, or to just getting into better shape and setting themselves up for a life of optimum health and wellness for the long run! I love his work!

In October I was asked by to foster a rescue dog. I was walking Rudy down the street in front of the home of the organizations founder. She said that there was a little girl schnauzer that was coming to her that evening that looked like Rudy and that I should come meet her. So I returned that evening with Brett. We left with the little girl, Bitsy, agreeing to “foster” her to see how Rudy got along with her. She has actually helped Rudy to focus his 16+ years old eyes and has helped keep the spring in his step keeping his body moving in the right direction. Needless to say she’s a sweetheart and we adopted her November 25th, just in time for Thanksgiving Holiday.

Brett and I drove down to Palm Springs to celebrate Thanksgiving with John, Rudy and Bitsy. John is doing and looking great by the way. John’s dad, Paul, and his girlfriend Jo, came to spend the rest of that weekend with the 5 of us. We had a great time and enjoyed the last of the warm weather of the year. We even had a fun trip to Home Depot that weekend too… lol.

Please hold positive healing thoughts and prayers for Jo’s health as she has been receiving treatments to rid her body of Cancer. She’s a wonderful woman and I’m so glad that we had a chance to spend some more time with her and Paul and John!

We’ve all got so much to share in this life and this is a great time to be alive. Don’t just listen to all the negative shatter that’s out there. Look beyond that and look deep into your heart. Slow down and quiet your self. Take 5 minutes to breathe deeply in though your nostrils and our through your mouth. Keep doing this as you focus on your breath and free your mind of all thoughts. Then after 5 minutes listen to what your mind is telling you. Write out your thoughts. Write from your own experiences. Maybe there are some things that you have written that you hadn’t realized. Maybe there are some thoughts that you can share with others. Don’t just follow, lead by example.

A great story that was recently shared with me by my niece Nena was of my dad. When she was young my dad showed her how to pour coke-a-cola into a glass so that it wouldn’t foam over. She shared that knowledge with her granddaughter. And just this past weekend she paid a visit to her granddaughter with whom she went to a restaurant. He granddaughter orders a can of coke. She poured it into her glass and said. “See grandma, just like grandpa showed you.”

It’s not what you do but how you do it that you’ll be remembered for.

Whether it’s on a daily basis or just on the periphery I am blessed to have you all in my life. We are all a part of one earth, one universe and ultimately power that is available in us and to us all.

In the health and wellness or on the path to being whole I send you Love and Light.

Always, Jesse