Saturday, March 14, 2009

A year come and gone

Thanks everyone for being such a great support system.

My heart surgery was 1 year ago February 27th, I celebrated my 48th birthday on March 4, I've just returned from a trip to Australia on March 10th, and I am getting ready to go to France for a short work trip March 18-29th, so I guess my heart surgery was a success.

The only thing that I am having difficulty with at present is finding a dog sitter to watch my little Rudy. He's been doing great too. The only thing that is a must in watching him is that he take his pills twice a day religiously. That's what is needed to keep his system working properly. If any of you are able to help me out with taking care of him for 12 days please call me as soon as you can. I don't want to put him in a kennel if I don't need to.

Life has been good. Lots of changes. Work has been slow. Been getting in touch with lots of old friends from High School. Seeing some new parts of the world and some that I've already seen before.

Getting re-certified as a personal trainer sometime in April and still working as a massage therapist. I'll be traveling to France to work on the Alonzo King's Lines Ballet dancers.

I'll post photos on my next update.

I hope everyone is ready for Spring to have sprung and that the change of seasons continue to change our attitudes in a positive manner.

Love and Light to all and let me know if you can help me with taking care of my little Rudy while I'm away.

XOXO, Jesse