Tuesday, July 1, 2008

4 Months and counting

Hi everyone,

Well it's been 4 months since my surgery and I am feeling almost 100%. I've been very busy getting back to living a normal lifestyle being active, working and causing waves.

I have to thank you all for making my life so special and meaningful giving me love, nourishment and encouragement to know that I would be alright!

I've posted these pictures taken a couple of weeks ago at my dear friend David Browning's home in Pebble Beach. David Aguilar and I went down to stay the night for dinner and gifting massages to David B and Nancy Miccoli as thanks for their incredible generosity of Food and Drink and Decoration for the fund raiser that David Aguilar organized. The donations were so generous and might I say a welcome assistance for the 3 months that I was off of work.

Not to shock anyone but the bill for the surgery came in at $289,000.00. Well if that doesn't give anyone a heart attack...!

I've had lots of great experiences and life lessons along the path of healing. I've know this from all the other health issues that I've gone through but it hit home again and filling my heart with a new found passion for giving of myself all that I am capable of to give others the gift of healthy living by a living example. My personal training video with include my "Spritual Bodybuilding" technique that I developed years ago when I got really sick and pulled myself out of deaths grip by being determined that no illness was going to take me away from my loved ones so easily. Most all of you were witness to that miracle and this recent episode in the Amado saga is another show of faith that the body is only a reflection of what we are on the inside on the deepest level that is Spirit and Light eternal!

I'm so happy that I have made it this far in my life and so very happy to be celebrating my mom's 70 birthday this coming August. She's been one of my best and closet friends and someone that I can always count on for her prayers for my well being and happiness. Come to think of it So have YOU. Thanks you, thank you, thank you!

You make my life richer than I could ever be if I had all the money in the world! You are my Treasure in my Chest!

XOXO and Love and Light Always!

Jesse Garcia 6.30.08